Six ways to help your business stay alive during COVID-19

Six ways to help your business stay alive during COVID-19

We are currently living in unprecedented and challenging times as a result of the evolving circumstances surrounding COVID-19. The situation is new for everyone and whilst human Contact is vital to keep any Aesthetic business alive we need to do what’s best for our health and for the health of our clients. Given the nature and severity of COVID-19 the government have directed all non-essential businesses to close. Until this unknown time passes, here are some tips to keep your business alive and connected.

1. Stay Safe
First and foremost, keep you self-safe and stay home and nurture your health, physically and mentally. Mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19 is important. If you are feeling anxious, worried and overwhelmed by the constant changes and coverage by the media, please don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and family or contact lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit for more information on the support available to you.

2. Stay connected
Now more then ever is the best time to engage and connect with your clients and let them know you are there to support them. Social Media is an effective way to maintain a connection with your clients, keep them updated and informed of your business. Share stories, posts and videos of your business and past before and afters.

3. Go Virtual
You can still gain new clients in your business without seeing them in person and adhering to social distancing guidelines. This can be done by conducting virtual consultations and prebooking clients for when you are authorised to open your clinic again. Virtual consultations can be done online in the comfort of the clients home.

4. Zoom your way through Covid!
Keep your employees motivated with weekly Zoom Catch ups. This can either be a fun catchup to keep your employees connected or an effective way to conduct meetings.

5. Keep UpToDate with Online Webinars
Remain updated with the latest educational webinars. Not only will this be an educational experience that will continue to enhance your skills, but it will be a safe and effective way to keep motivated during this difficult situation.

6. Manage Stress and Anxiety
We are all doing our best to navigate this unprecedented crisis for the first time. It is understandable that during this time you may feel anxious and overwhelmed and not feel you want to do any work. Sometimes, in times like these its best to just take some time off. Spend time with your loved ones (whilst maintaining social distancing guidelines), reconnect with family and friends through social media, cook a new recipe, listen to a podcast, read a new book or learn a new hobby.

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